السبت، 6 نوفمبر 2010



Myspace,[5] stylized My_____[6] and previously MySpace, is a social networking website. Its headquarters are in Beverly Hills, California[7] where it shares an office building with its immediate owner, News Corp. Digital Media, owned by News Corporation. Myspace became the most popular social networking site in the United States in June 2006.[8] According to comScore, Myspace was overtaken internationally by its main competitor, Facebook, in April 2008, based on monthly unique visitors.[9][10] Myspace employs 1,000 employees, after laying off 30 percent of its workforce in June 2009;[11] the company does not disclose revenues or profits separately from News Corporation. Quantcast estimates MySpace's monthly U.S. unique visitors at 43.2 million.[12] The 100 millionth account was created on August 9, 2006,[13] in the Netherlands.[14]



Facebook is a social network service and website launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc.[1] As of July 2010 Facebook has more than 500 million active users,[6] which is about one person for every fourteen in the world.[7][N 1] Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common interest user groups, organized by workplace, school, or college, or other characteristics. The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the US with the intention of helping students to get to know each other better. Facebook allows anyone who declares themselves to be at least 13 years old to become a registered user of the website.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.[8] The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over.
Facebook has met with some controversy. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries including Pakistan,[9] Syria,[10] the People's Republic of China,[11] Vietnam,[12] Iran,[13] Uzbekistan[14] and North Korea[citation needed]. It has also been banned at many places of work to discourage employees from wasting time using the service.[15] Facebook's privacy has also been an issue, and the safety of their users has been compromised several times. Facebook settled a lawsuit regarding claims over source code and intellectual property.[16]
A January 2009 Compete.com study ranked Facebook as the most used social network by worldwide monthly active users, followed by MySpace.[17] Entertainment Weekly put it on its end-of-the-decade "best-of" list, saying, "How on earth did we stalk our exes, remember our co-workers' birthdays, bug our friends, and play a rousing game of Scrabulous before Facebook?"[18] Quantcast estimates Facebook has 135.1 million monthly unique U.S. visitors


CamStudio is a screencasting program for Microsoft Windows released as free software. The software renders videos in an AVI format. It can also convert these AVIs into Flash Video format, embedded in SWF files. CamStudio is written in Microsoft Visual C++

The original CamStudio was released as an open source product by RenderSoft software in October 2001.[1] The source code license was converted to the GNU General Public License in December 2002 with release 1.8.[2] The Source code of versions 1.0, 1.4 and 2.0 are still available at SourceForge.
In 2003, the company was acquired by eHelp Corporation who owned a competing product called RoboDemo (now called Adobe Captivate[3][4][5]). eHelp Corporation released an updated version as CamStudio 2.1 under a proprietary software license only and removed the ability to create SWFs.[6] A succession of acquisitions led to the company being owned by Adobe.
Development of CamStudio 2.0 (the last open-source version) was resumed and released as free software again in September 2007 with the CamStudio 2.5 Beta 1 release.[7] Accordingly, it was re-branded as CamStudio Open Source.
CamStudio 3 is a complete rewrite of the project in the pre-alpha stages of development as of April 19, 2010, and is seeking developers.[8]

download link:http://www.camstudio.org/CamStudio20.exe

offical site:camstudio.org

دير بلوط -Deir Ballout

تقع قرية دير بلوط من قرى الضفة الغربية على بعد 20 كم إلى الغرب من مدينة سلفيت ويربطها بها شارع معبد. وهي تتبع محافظة سلفيت وقد سميت كذلك حسب الروايات إما نسبة إلى راهب اسمه (بلوتوس) أو لأنها مليئة بشجر البلوط منذ العهد العثماني.
البوم صور : http://www.palestineremembered.com/GeoPoints/Dayr_Ballut_954/ar/Picture_31214.html == جغرافية القرية == سلفيت العاصمه تمتد القرية على مسافة مقدارها 4 كم. وتحيط فيها عدة قرى وتجمعات سكانية هي رافات، واللبن، والزاوية، ورنتيس، وكفر قاسم، ومجدل يابا (مجدل الصادق)، وكفر الديك.

يبلغ عدد سكان قرية دير بلوط 4300 نسمة بحسب تعداد السكن في العام 2008 يرجع معظمهم في أصولهم إلى قبيلة المساعيد العربية سلالة الأمير عبد الرحمن بن خليل بن بركات المسعودي وقبل عام 48 كانت معظم أراضي قرية ديربلوط تقع في سهل فلسطين والموجود الآن داخل الخط الأخضر ولا زالت الكثير من الأراضي هناك مسجلة بأسمائهم لغاية اليوم وقد هاجر أحد أبناء القرية في سنة 1929 إلى فنزويلا وتبعه الكثير من أبناء القرية حتى صارت هناك جالية كبيرة جدا من أبناء القرية هناك خاصة في مدينة فلنسيا ويوجد لهم نادي خاص بهم وقد بلغوا مناصب ومراكز كبيرة جدا هناك في الدولة وفي القضاء وفي التجارة والأعمال

 الحياة الاقتصادية

تعد دير بلوط اكثر بلدة إنتاجا في الزيتون في محافظة سلفيت بأكملهاذلك لانها قريبة على البحر المتوسط فأن دير بلوط تتبع لآقليم البحر المتوسط حيث يتلقى هذا الاقليم من مم400-500 مم سنويا فلذلك دير بلوط مميزة عن غيرها من قرى سلفيت. شوارعها المعبدة ساهمت في أن تكون التجارة والوظائف الحكومية والمهن الحرة جزء من اقتصادها، ولكن الزراعة أساس حرف أهل القرية. وتشتهر بزراعة الخضراوات البعلية وخاصة الفقوس والبامية والثوم وغيرها من الحبوب كالقمح والزيتون. وفي القرية نبع ماء يستخدم لري المزروعات ويقع في وادي العين جنوب دير البلوط. أما مياه الشرب على مياه الشركة القطرية وآبار تجميع مياه الأمطار.

 تاريخ وآثار

يقدر عمر دير بلوط بحوالي 350 سنة وفيها الكثير من الآثار التاريخية والدينية:
  • مقام الشيخ إبراهيم وقد سمي بهذا الاسم نسبة إلى رجل صالح يدعى الشيخ إبراهيم.
  • بيت زنون وينسب هذا الموقع لأحد آلهة الرومان ،ويبتعد عن القرية كيلو متر إلى الشرق من القرية.
  • دير سمعان ويقع شرق البلدة على بعد 2 كم.
  • دير القلعة ويقع على بعد 2 كم إلى الشرق من البلدة ويعتقد أنها تعود إلى العصر الصليبي.
  • أم الحمام وأم القباو ويقع هذان المعلمان غرب البلدة على بعد 2 كم منها.
  • خربة مسمار وخربة دير دقلة وتقع الأولى جنوب غرب البلدة في حين تقع الثانية جنوب البلدة وتبعدان عنها 2 كم تقريباً.
  • خربة كسفة وتقع شمال غرب البلدة على بعد 3 كم منها.
الموقع الرسمي:http://www.deirballout.blogspot.com
فيديو النشيد الوطني الفلسطيني لقرية دير بلوط:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6GxzgU1Was

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PS3 Media Server

Your IP is:

Hi there,

It has been quite a long time since the last blog update, so let's catch up! Development has been slow last months, and if you are a regular PS3 user of the streaming, transcoding and/or remuxing features, the 1.10.5 build is still a good candidate to experiment the ps3's media capabilities, despite some shortcomings (audio/video compatibility detection based on extensions, slow media library for those using it, etc.)

However interesting features are on their way with newer beta versions (currently experimented in the forum if you feel adventurous) such as:

- Better media parsing, thanks to mediainfo.sf.net: This allows for faster browsing, accurate format detection and automatic launch of the transcoder if required (still not 100% perfect, but closer than ever :p)
- Other media renderers support, such as connected TVs. It's a work in progress, so not everything works out of the box. Sony Bravia models are the best supported right now.
- Proper video remuxing, and DTS support for DVD ISOs.
- Many fixes, feature requests, etc.

A stable and proper version will come in the following weeks, stay tuned !

lundi 9 mars 2009


Hi everyone,

a new minor release is out, with only bugfixes. Not much to add, except sorry for those who met the following bugs :p

PS3 Media Server v1.10.5 for Windows/Linux/OSX


- Fixes:

Regression in FLAC playback
Fixed subtitles font detection on Windows
Flaw in the transcode/remux buffer, in some cases, the video stopped after a few minutes
Cache bug when streaming web medias
Duplicate items issue on Linux
Upnp alive message sent sooner at the start of the server

mardi 3 mars 2009


Hi everyone,

some time has passed since the last version, so here's a major one ! Hopefully, it offers some interesting features to all ps3 owners running on Windows or Linux, like the DTS streaming support (no need anymore to encode in AC3 or PCM if you have a DTS compatible receiver), an improved Mencoder engine with automatic decision between muxing (aka no video encoding) and full video transcoding. About the DTS feature, make sure to read carefully the message box who will appear if you enable this option. Also, the automatic muxing option is enabled by default, to offer the best video quality when this is possible (if the video track is compatible and no subtitles are involved). Keep in mind that it's a new feature, so if anything bad happens, you can disable it in the mencoder configuration panel (or in the #Video Settings# virtual menu on XMB). There's other things to try, check the changelog !

PS3 Media Server v1.10.1 for Windows/Linux - v1.10 for OSX

the 1.10.1 version fixed a last minute bug, not related to OSX

Here's the changelog:

- Changes / Features : Windows/Linux

DTS / DTS-HD core audio tracks are now streamable without reencoding (DVD ISOs not supported yet)
New Option: unification of Mencoder/tsMuxer engines, including:
. Automatic choice between H264 muxing or transcoding, based on AVC Level 4.1 compatibility and subtitles configuration
. Remux on the fly any H264 content from MOV, MP4, and AVI containers (ex: Apple HD Trailers)
. This option is enabled by default and can be disabled via the #Video Settings# virtual menu if anything goes wrong
TS/M2TS support improvement
2 channels downmixing support with PCM conversion

- Changes / Features : All Platforms

XBox 360 unofficial support (Pictures/Music/Videos : WMV8/WMA2 transcoding)
Mencoder archive handling (no seeking support)
Simplified copy (always available, no more option), and much faster with remuxed videos
Alternate subtitles directory
Multi language external subtitles support
Alternate cover art folder and <video>.jpg additional support (along existing <video>.<ext>.cover.jpg)
Automatic album art download from amazon or discogs
Option to display more recents file first in a directory
Ability to generate video thumbnails with Mplayer
New translations: Romanian (thanks to Marinescu Alexandru Cezar), Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese (thanks to KK Tong)
Updated translations: Finnish, German, Greek, Icelandic, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish

- Fixes

Reworked RSS parsing (youtube playlists)
Reworked Audio/Subtitles tracks handling
Better stability in LPCM and DTS handling
Fixed LPCM channel ordering
Wrong font detection on some systems: subtitles weren't loaded
Fixed tsMuxer crash at the end of file
Modified UPNP discovery

mercredi 4 février 2009



here's the new version!... some explanations about the new "video copy" feature: in previous versions, you couldn't copy any transcoded videos on your ps3, due to a virtual size of 94gb... now it's possible, with this option enabled. Be careful: if you want to use that feature, it's recommended to set a reasonable bandwidth limit in transcode options, because transcoded videos will have no fixed size, and you could fill up your ps3's hard drive pretty quickly with default settings !

PS3 Media Server v1.04 for Windows/Linux/OSX

Here's the changelog:

- Changes / Features

. New option to enable video copy on ps3
. RAW images thumbnail support: CR2/CRW/PEF/NEF/ORF/SRF/MRW/DNG/ARW/RAF
. New extensions supported: SHN/M2V/M2P
. tsMuxer engine can now mux or reencode in AC3/PCM all audio tracks in real time
. Add the experimental mencoder build for multicore on OSX
. DVR-MS remuxer now included by default in Windows package
. New translations: Spanish (thanks to Jose from playstationhoy.com), Dutch (thanks to Vincent Meylof), German (thanks to Jeuki), Russian (thanks to Peter Klassen), Polish (thanks to Maciej Bocian), Greek (thanks to Alexander Polichroniadis), Portuguese (thanks to Hugo Sousa), Finnish (thanks to Ove Sentlig), Norwegian (thanks to Ball80 and Topguy), Swedish (thanks to Dusan Ilic) and Japanese (thanks to Yu)

- Fixes

. tsMuxer's AC3/LPCM encode/muxing + Mencoder's LPCM remuxing now working on Linux
. Fixed LPCM seeking issue
. Fixed regression with PicasaWeb images feed
. Changes in subtitles loading / Fonts support (Default/ASS/Embedded Fonts)
. Fixed channels order with tsMuxer engine's DTS->AC3 option
. Transcode buffer wasn't fully released after end of video
. Fixed bug with shared folders selection on Windows
. Fixed periodic alive messages sent to ps3
. Better dvr-ms media info retrieval
. Updated ffmpeg/mplayer/mencoder/mt builds on Windows and OSX (slight H264 speedup for singlecore)
. Buffer issues with transcoded audio files lasting more than 10 minutes
. Fixed RSS parsing with some feeds

dimanche 18 janvier 2009


Hello there

Some fresh news from the development front, as there's a new version out there! Two interesting things: First, Windows users who owns multicores processors will be pleased to know that, this version includes a custom build of mencoder optimized for multicores and H264 content, based on the great work of the ffmpeg team. Benefits ? recent CPUs are now fully used, rather than the usual 60, 65% usage with the default mencoder build (that means a 30% performance gain on mine for example), so you can almost ditch your CoreAVC / AviSynth installs... Be careful though, this is somewhat very young, so you can disable it if any problems arise...

The another thing is that, we have a new forum :) You can join here... feel free to participate !

PS3 Media Server v1.03 for Windows/Linux/OSX

Here's the changelog:

- Changes / Features

Customize encoding parameters (along with default ones) for any given container/codec/property combination (purpose: A/V sync, playback issues, and tweaking for advanced users)
Ability to select networking interface
OSX 10.4 Tiger support (Intel only)
Settings reorganization
M4V now streamed by default, you have to enter the #Transcoded# folder to force the transcode (like AVI files)
WMA now transcoded by default
Italian localization
WINDOWS ONLY: Use (only with 720p/1080p H264 content) an experimental mencoder build for multicores
New OSX icon (thanks to Jakob Karlsson)
Added a "Skip/Force transcode extensions" option added if default settings don't suit you
Possibility to only remux AC3 audio tracks and not reencoded them

- Fixes

Default platform charset issue
Transcode buffer optimization on Windows
Application crash on Windows when too many widechars filenames were parsed
Audio tracks sorted by track number (if present) in media library
Better filenames/subtitles management (m2ts/ts/dvr-ms issues, comas, widechars, etc.)
External subtitles not always loaded, again
DVD images are listed in the media library
Fixed RSS parsing for Youtube and maybe other feeds
AviSynth / VideoLAN not always detected on Vista 64bits
Unavailable engines exclusion on OSX/Linux
Fixed console mode on Linux

lundi 5 janvier 2009



a quick message to inform you there's a serious bug in 1.02 which prevents the application from running, affecting a significant number of users...
so here's the 1.02.1:

PS3 Media Server 1.02.1 for Windows/Linux/OSX

If you have no troubles with 1.02, you can skip it, as this one has very few fixes, aside this major bug:

- Fixes:
Major Bug in server start due to a faulty MAC address retrieval
PMS do not start after activating the archive browsing option
Media library small fixes

Good news is there's an OSX version working in Java1.5. It should be able to run with more macs !

dimanche 4 janvier 2009



the new version (1.02) is finally released. Some interesting features were added. Main one being the media library: It's a work in progress, so don't expect too much of it :p.
As I'm not a big fan of those huges databases you must constantly refresh,
the feature is disabled by default, so the application will behave like before. However, the media library has two purposes: to offer a view of your media files with some criterias (artist, date, etc.) and also to speedup the display of your folders on XMB, as the media library act like a parsing cache (metadata, thumbnails, etc.). So, to have a better browsing experience, but without the hassle of scanning all your folders, I would suggest to enable the media library (in the general configuration tab), and not touch the scan button (in the folders sharing tab). People who like to have their files organized with tags and such can happily click on that button, though :p (beware of loooong scan time if you have a lot of files). The media library is also a progressive learner, so it will update itself automatically when new or updated folders will be browsed on the XMB.

There's some fixes too. Such as better codecs support and A/V out of sync issues. About this, as there's not (yet?) perfect synchronization with every video file out there, the "Video Settings" Menu has been revamped, so playback options are easily changeable now. You can dynamically enable or disable the A/V sync alternative method (in case of out of sync), a deinterlacing filter, subtitles, etc.

I would also thank the people who are helping on the project code and the google groups, as they contribute to make this project more alive ! You can download new version here:

Download PS3 Media Server 1.02 for Windows/Linux (OSX version should come soon)

And here's the changelog:

- New features

Auto-updater, default configuration, cleanups and windows/linux build scripts (thanks to Tim Cox)
Media library (also act as a parsing cache): you can sort your files by date, ID3 tags, etc.
Playlists (m3u/pls) support
Preliminary album art support, better audio (flac) and tags parsing
New options for video resolution, deinterlace filter, and archives browsing
Video settings with an easier virtual menu (A/V sync, deinterlace, ...)
Windows service installer (working on 32 bits only)
New image parsing library: Better performance / EXIF support (sort photos by camera model, etc.)
DVR-MS addon

- Fixes

A/V out of sync issues with some ISOs and medias / codecs support improvement (flv, rmvb, hdmov, mp4, multichannels avi, etc.)
External subtitles not always loaded
Upnp advertising issue in search reply to the ps3 (thanks to Daniel Pedersen)
SkipLoopFilter is now disabled by default
Regression since 0.98, server would not start on some machines
Newest builds of ffmpeg/mplayer/mencoder for win32
Usual bunch of fixes